Social commitment
Rural area development
Betanzos HB encourages a model of sustainable development for Galician forests, facilitating a working process for the wood that helps the rural area development and its economic support.
Key actor in Bio-economy
The activity of Betanzos HB lay the foundations for the forestry and the working processes involving forests to become more competitive and for them to provide a contribution to society.
Strategic sector
Betanzos HB plays its role into the Galician wood industry, being a pioneer in the development of forest products at a national and international level, achieving a GDP representing the 3,5% for Galicia, with more than 70.000 direct and indirect jobs (source: Igape)
Security and health at work engagement
BETANZOS HB fully comply with the security and health at work requirements regarding its employees, as proven by the voluntary audits and mandatory inspections carried out constantly in the factory, as proven by the OHSAS 18001 certificate.
Biology based industry
Wood is renewable, sustainable and it can be transformed into high value products, as well as reused and recycled. It is a key material for the role mode used by Europe towards a circular economy oriented to encourage global competition, a sustainable economic growth the creation of new jobs.
Ethics, transparency and governance
Betanzos HB’s governance system is inspired by and based upon a commitment to ethical principles, transparency and leadership in the application of the best international practices in good governance (tracking and follow-up IKEA Iway) expressed around the Conduct Code and the integrated management system.
Quality engagement
Betanzos HB is focused on the process and the client satisfaction, as proven by a quality management system certified by the 9001 ISO regulation.
Exporting company
Our hardboard is highly appreciated in international markets across the EU, USA, Central and South America, Easters Africa and Middle East.