Research & Development

Discover our natural products, the only ones in the market,
which resulted from our research

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Thanks to our 100% natural production system and as the results of the research projects we have carried since 2016, we can offer new and completely natural products.
With this range of innovative solutions, we implement the values of Betanzos HB and our commitment to the circular green economy model. We develop innovative applications with added value for local woods and other species, based on the stream of wood extracts generated during the manufacturing process for high density boards.

Developed new products

Discover our range of new natural products:

  • Wood extracts: Natural extract of preservative assets and antioxidants in a water base.
  • Powdered wood extract: Natural extracts of wood in powder form.
  • Pure polyphenol extract
  • 30% Lignin concentrate. 100% natural alternative to lignosulfanate.
  • Bioadhesive: 100% plant-based adhesive especially suitable for agriculture, food, packaging, carpentry, etc. It allows the recovery of components at the end of their end of life, favouring the circular economy.

If you wish to add value to your business and make a commitment with bioeconomy while collaborating with the care of the environment, request information on our innovative solutions:


R & D + i projects successfully completed


Duration of the project: 2/05/2022 to 31/05/2023

In order to make further progress in the transition to a digital economy, the project for the digitisation of wood inputs, production planning and production of wet mats has been carried out throughout 2022 until May 2023. It was implemented management digitisation systems at different key stages:

  • Wood procurement: exchange of digitised procurement documents to provide traceability from the forest to our warehouses.
  • Real-time production management and planning
  • Digitised exchange of information with customers and shipping suppliers
  • Digitisation of the technical archive
  • Communication portal with partners integrated with on-sitemanagement software
  • Improved access security to information.
  • Automation of wet mat with artificial vision
  • Digital integration of process steam management
  •  Automatic control of wood chip quality.

These actions have led to the modernization of production facilities, improved competitiveness and increased efficiency in the use of resources.

This project is funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. GALICIA ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020. A way to build Europe.

Project: Efficient Wood Refining

Start date: 19 April 2022
End date: 15 September 2023

Amount of aid granted (ERDF) by INEGA, Xunta de Galicia: €47,480.40. Co-financed by the European Union. Operational Programme ERDF GALICIA 2014-2020.

As a continuation of the actions aimed at the rational use of energy and in line with the transformation of Betanzos HB’s industrial activity towards an "4.0 Industry" that increases its competitiveness in a global market, this project has been developed between 2022 and 2023 to make the process in which wood fibres are obtained from wood chips to manufacture Tablex more efficient.

The action has consisted of the installation of an automatic adjustment control system to position at the refining plates, there by achieving greater uniformity of the fibre and less wear of plates, and therefore greater energy savings at this stage of the process.

The action has been complemented by the implementation and certification of a system to improve energy efficiency and to ensure the correct monitoring and control of savings in energy consumption according ISO 50.001.



Project: New Biomass Energy Unit

Implementation schedule: June 2021-June 2023

The three existing steam production boilers have been replaced by a new biomass energy unit as part of the technology improvement plan for Betanzos HB’s industrial equipment, in order to provide the thermal energy necessary for the production process in a more efficient, safer way. This new unit is equipped with the best available technology and guarantees energy supply by optimising biomass consumption.

This project is included in the line of aid for energy saving and efficiency for SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the IDAE and managed by the Autonomous Regions, charged to the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and sustainable economy. A way of doing Europe.



Announcement 2022: Aid amount. €41,279.09.

Aid from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism as part of the "Mechanism to compensate electricity-intensive consumers for the charges due to financing the specific remuneration of renewable energies and high-efficiency cogeneration and for additional financing in non-mainland territories".


Betanzos HB has a long history of process improvement and innovation that has led it to what it is today, a world leader in hardboard quality.

Proof our commitment and efficiency in the research and development are the projects carry out and completed successfully in the last few years:


enCAIXA Industrial Research Project, which, from 2018 to 2020, focused on the development of industrial packaging with Galician wood, especially new solutions, customization and automation of the assembly.

LIFE Eco Timber Cell

Betanzos HB has participated in a project that has brought a new construction system to the market, with a negative carbon footprint based on our Tablex as a construction material, highlighting its advantages of sustainability and high resistance.


Betanzos HB participates in the collaborative project of Drytech Industrial Research, coordinated by the Cluster da Madeira e o Deseño de Galicia, funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism, within the support program for Innovative Business Groups (AEI).


Betanzos HB has led the Demadera project in which, during 2016 trough 2018, wines and soft drinks have been developed from viticulture products and extracts from the wood industry.

Board 2 Door

At Betanzos HB we investigate as a means to develop innovative products that generate value to achieve a circular green economy. Thanks to this research we have successfully achieved the development of new products based on Tablex.

Improvement of energy efficiency

The commitment of Betanzos HB to energy efficiency and process improvement is constant. Therefore, the company has carried out various interventions since 2015.


Innobiorre Project, which investigated, between 2016 and 2018, the appraisal of agroindustry waste to obtain high added value bioproducts in construction elements such as asphalt, bitumen or cements.

Piloto 4.0 CDM

In order to modernise the hardboard production line and align it with the 4.0 industry, Betanzos HB has carried out the automation of the boarding line between 2017 and 2018.


During 2015 Betanzos HB took part of the Agrobiotech Plan, developed by the Parque Tecnológico de Galicia, in collaboration with the Innovation Galician Agency,