Betanzos HB participates in the Future Facing training program

Xunta de Galicia has launched Future Facing, a program that will allow to share, develop and transfer innovative practices in education and training for the timber industry. It is an international initiative to innovate and modernize training, in which Betanzos HB will be a partner, for young people and adults to obtain the skills demanded by the industry of the future.

The Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) through the Centers for Innovation and Technological Services of Wood (CIS-Madera) and Design and Technology (CIS-Galicia), together with the Dirección Xeral de Educación, Formación Profesional e Innovación Educativa, presented the project on 9th February. A strategic partnership for educational innovation, combining efforts between organizations in the United Kingdom (British Coatings Federation), with the Estonian Rakvere school or the Italian firm Ilva, with Galician companies in the wood industry.

Future Facing is part of the challenges of the Galicia-Industry 4.0 Competitiveness Agenda and the RIS3 Smart Specialization Strategy, and will contribute to make Galicia a leader in the international timber sector.

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