Betanzos HB participates in the Future Facing training program
Xunta de Galicia has launched Future Facing, a program that will allow to share, develop and transfer innovative practices in education and training for the timber industry.
Xunta de Galicia has launched Future Facing, a program that will allow to share, develop and transfer innovative practices in education and training for the timber industry.
The headquarters of Betanzos HB was the place chosen for the information event of Demadera, the R&D project developing wines and soft drinks from viticulture products and wood extracts.
Innobiorre project’s R&D consortium met at the Faculty of Science of University de Vigo (UVigo) at Ourense to celebrate its informative meeting for concerned scientists and companies.
The supplement “Markets” in the journal La Voz de Galicia echoes the contribution of Betanzos HB to the value of the agroforesty sector throughout the encouragement of a sustainable development in the forests.
Betanzos HB is one of the companies taking part in two projects, Innobiorre and Demadera, both selected by the Innovation Galician Agency (Gain) to be financed with FEDER funds.
Participants at the TAF Meeting, international annual meeting for softboard and hadboard manufacturing companies, visited on September 16th 2016 the facilities of Betanzos HB.
You may find in the journal La Voz de Galicia an article about bio-technological companies, highlighting Betanzos HB research and development department.
Francisco Conde, Economics, Work and Industry councillor, closed yesterday the first Agrobiotech Innovation meeting, that took place for the last two days in the Parque Tecnológico de Galicia (Tecnópole)
Betanzos HB is a company committed to innovation, as recognized by the Government of Galicia, who has chosen her to participate in the Plan Agrobiotech Innovation.