Innobiorre informative meeting at the Ourense Campus of the UVigo

Innobiorre informative meeting at the Ourense Campus of the UVigo

Publication date:

11/01/2017 /



Innobiorre project’s R&D consortium met at the Faculty of Science of University of Vigo at Ourense to celebrate its informative meeting for concerned scientists and companies. Betanzos HB participated as a partner.

The day was devoted to review the progress achieved in the first-of-three years of the project, which aims to valorize waste and co-products from the forest industry to get high valued bio-products in construction elements such as asphalt, tarmac and cements. The event is a way to exchange experiences and discuss the key facts of the participating companies and the industries they operate.

Besides, other companies are involved in the partnership such as Extraco, GalaiControlRenga Enerxia, Soutos Sativa and Indutec, and the collaboration of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Research Group in Civil Engineering and Marine Energies-Superior Polytechnic School at Lugo) and the University of Vigo (Research Group of Agro-food Biotechnology).

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