New Bioproducts obtained from local Wood Presentation
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The R&D department of Betanzos HB has presented the new products obtained as a result of two three-year research projects that have been successfully completed last year. It involves the INNOBIORRE and DEMADERA projects. In both, Betanzos HB, focused on investigating the valorization of co-products resulting from the use of local woods in the manufacture of our TABLEX and using them in new sectors to obtain bioproducts.
New bioproducts and applications of wood
Thanks to the work done in these projects, we achieved successful validation of these new bioproducts, unique in the market. Among other novel applications, we can highlight the use of a bioproduct enriched in lignin in construction elements such as asphalt, bitumen or cement, where the addition of lignin reduces the use of fossil raw materials and confers improved properties to the final product. Within the framework of the INNOBIORRE project, they have already been used in the manufacturing of an experimental road section, and resistance to aging compared to traditional asphalts is currently being studied. This application opens the way to the production of bitumen’s and other eco-friendlier construction elements. The presentation of these results was made on January 23 at the Casa do Saber, in Lugo, in collaboration with Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. More information about this project: [Read more in Galicia Digital] [Read more in USC]
In the framework of the DEMADERA project, the research carried out by Betanzos HB has focused on the development of new natural extracts with preservative and antioxidant activity derived from wood. The new bioproducts obtained have already been validated by industries of the food sector, manufacturing of fodder, fertilizers, detergents and cosmetics. As a result of this work, on January 25, 2019, new beverages were introduced that already use these products, where the sulphites used for their preservation have been totally or partially replaced by the new natural extracts, in wines, reconstituted wines, substitutes for wine. and soft drinks, getting healthier drinks, low alcohol content and novel aromas. In this presentation, Mr. Ignacio Lema Piñeiro, Director of the Galician Forest Industry Agency, participated. More information about Demadera: [See in TVG]
Projects based on the circular green economy
Thanks to this research, we continue to expand our range of innovative and 100% natural products, with which we seek to obtain greater added value from our renewable resources, and thereby increase the profitability of the forestry industry and the promotion of rural areas of our environment. Betanzos HB is fully committed to the circular green economy, and sustainability is a basic pillar of our activity.
Innovation of SMEs and Galician Universities
The DEMADERA and INNOBIORRE projects have been co-financed with Feder Galicia 2014-2020 funds within the framework of the 2016 Conecta Peme program, selected by the Galician Innovation Agency (Gain) and supported by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry of the Xunta de Galicia.
At INNOBIORRE, the companies Extraco, GalaiControl, Soutos Sativa, Indutec and Renga Enerxia have collaborated with Betanzos HB, as well as the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo.
As for DEMADERA, the companies Mercantia, Bodegas Casa Monte Pío, together with the LIDSA Group of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Anfaco-Cecopesca, Aula de Productos Lácteos and Evega have participated.